Poultry Infectious bursal disease Virus Antigen Rapid Test
The Poultry Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Antigen Test is a sandwich lateral flow immunochromatographic method for the qualitative detection of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV Ag) in poultry secretions.
Assay Time: 5-10 minutes
The Poultry Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Antigen Rapid Test is based on sandwich lateral flow immunochromatographic analysis. The test device has a test window. The test window has an invisible T (test) area and C (control) area. When the sample is applied to the sample hole on the device, the liquid will flow laterally on the surface of the test strip. If there is enough IBDV antigen in the sample, a visible T band will appear. The C-band should always appear after the sample is applied, indicating a valid result. The device can accurately indicate the presence of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus antigen in the sample.
- 10 test pouches, with cards and disposable droppers
- 10 vials of assay buffer (1000μL each)
- 10 bags of cotton swab stick
- 1 package insert
The kit can be stored at room temperature (2-30°C). The test kit is stable through the expiration date (18 months) marked on the package label. DO NOT FREEZE. Do not store the test kit in direct sunlight.
- Collect bird’s trachea or cloacal secretions or feces with the cotton swab and make the swab wet sufficiently.
- Insert the swab into the provided assay buffer tube. Agitates it to get efficient sample extraction.
- Take out the test device from the foil pouch and place it horizontally.
- Suck the treated sample extraction from the assay buffer tube and place 3 drops into the sample hole “S” of the test device.
- Interpret the result in 5-10 minutes. Result after 10 minutes is considered as invalid.
- Positive (+): The presence of both “C” line and zone “T” line, no matter T line is clear or vague.
- Negative (-): Only clear C line appear. No T line.
- Invalid: No colored line appears in C zone. No matter if T line appears.